Over the past month we have engaged in several introspective activities. We have taken the time to consider what we do, how we typically do it, why we complete these activities and whether these activities give us energy or deplete us. You may wonder why all of this is necessary. It's because the picture of our purpose becomes clearer when we take the time to reflect on the details of our lives.

You were created with a purpose. Proverbs 16:4a says “the Lord has made everything for its purpose.” That means nothing was created by accident. We are created with a purpose and whether we have taken the time to notice it before, much of what we do naturally points to our purpose.

Review the notes that you have written over the past month during the exercises presented in this series. What are you noticing about yourself? In addition to the thought work you have already done, consider the following questions:

  • If you didn't have financial obligations, what work would you do because you enjoy it?

  • When do you feel the most energized and like you are making a positive difference in the world? Who are you with and what are you doing?

Try to draft a sentence that boils down the core of what you've learned into a simple phrase. If you needed to explain to a third grader what your purpose is, what would you say? If when you look at your notes, you feel like it expresses a purpose you don't like and that zaps your energy, consider why this is the case. Have you created a life full of activities that are contrary to the desires of your heart? If so why? For money? Did someone tell you to and you followed their instructions? Consider if going along with this original plan is working well for you.

After completing this exercise for myself years ago, it became clear to me that I exist to encourage people. The core of what I do, and certainly why I do it, is because my heart longs to encourage people. I may present this purpose in a myriad of ways, such as teaching, writing, designing, small groups, etc. but at the end of the day my goal is to help and encourage people. If I don’t align my activities with this purpose, I feel underutilized and like I am wasting my time. Without the opportunity to encourage people to see who they are and support them in reaching their goals, I don’t find my activities fulfilling, even if they leverage my talents. Knowing your specific purpose will serve as a test by which to evaluate anything you are considering giving your time to.

When you are in the sweet spot of your purpose, even if faced with challenges, you will find you have the grace to excel. When you are walking in your purpose, you have the opportunity to walk in fulfilment and meaning each day. I challenge you to continue on this journey of exploration in the weeks to come. It takes time to verbalize our purpose in a way that can easily be conveyed to others. You are worth the effort!

Allow me to speak for the world and your local community when I say we need you to take your time, pray, and complete the work to identify what you are here to contribute to this world. As you are the best you, you help the rest of us have an opportunity to be who we are meant to be as well. Thank you for starting the path towards defining your why and verbalizing your purpose.

Brandi StoverWhy, PurposeComment